sama dengan dulu bahasa Inggris
- sama: alike; as broad as it is long; coequal;
- sama dengan: be equal to; even with; identify with; amount
- dengan: by; by taking; given; given the; given this;
- dulu: old; used to; former; once; previously; in the
- dengan sama: equally; equivalently
- dulu: old; used to; former; once; previously; in the past; previous; at one time; long since; ago; time; already; firstly; back; even; last time; formerly; prior; still; one time; erst; yet; earlier; ante
- bekerja sama dengan: in collusion with; take part with; taken part with; taking part with
- bersama-sama dengan: following with; in company with; string along with; together with
- dengan cara kerja sama: cooperatively
- dengan cara yang sama: in the same way; similarly; otherways; ditto; by the same token; agreeably; in the same vein
- dengan format yang sama: to the same format
- dengan kecepatan sama: paripassu
- dengan nilai yang sama: of equal value
- dengan tujuan yang sama: to the same effect
- men-set sama dengan: set equal to